When you are planning your wedding party or any other type of party or event we ensure your guests have the best possible time. Music and the choice of music is very important, and when you have fantastic tunes combined with our fairy light dance floor hire in Dublin, you can look forward to a brilliant day or evening...
Dublin DJ Top Dance Songs
Dublin DJ Songs
Here are some of our favorite songs so far this year :
First up, I've chosen Philip Georges fantastic song "Wish you were here". This track takes us back to some of the 90's dance classics. Have a listen for yourself Next...Special Needs DJ Dun Laoghaire
Dj for Special Olympics
[caption id="attachment_709" align="alignnone" width="300"] Special Olympics athletes dancing to www.dmcevents.ie DJsDJ Dun Laoghaire[/caption]
Dj Dun Laoghaire
Dj Dun Laoghaire :We were hired to provide a moreNew van for Dublin Bouncy Castles and DJ Equipment
New van for Dublin Bouncy Castles and DJ Equipment
[caption id="attachment_436" align="alignnone" width="300"] www.dmcevents.ie Dublin bouncy castle[/caption] Got some great news this evening. Finally have our newest addition of transport. Picked up the new van this evening for all our bouncy castles in Dublin and Wicklow. With...DJ Feedback
DJ Feedback
[caption id="attachment_490" align="alignnone" width="300"] Djing in Blackrock[/caption]
Here's some lovely feedback from Saturdays birthday party we had the pleasure to DJ in Blackrock.
"hey Dave, thanks again for Sat, everyone had a ball and have complimented u on several occasions!! Great craic had all round"
For more...